What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage (cloud storage) and computing power, without direct active management by the user. The term is generally used to describe data centers available to many users over the Internet.

Module 1: Introduction to AWS Cloud

  • Introduction & History toAWS
  • Navigate the AWS ManagementConsole
  • Recognize AWS GlobalInfrastructure
  • Describe the security measures AWSprovide

Module 2: Lab Setup

  • CreatingEC2 (windows)
  • Uses Putty
  • Puttygen
  • SpotRequest
  • ReservedInstances
  • Volumes add linuxSnapshots ,elasticipcreat AMI , backup


  • Describe an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Vpcpeering

Module 3: Implementing Websites /Load balancer

  • Implementing Websites
  • Planning for WebsiteDeployment
  • DeployingWebsites
  • ConfiguringWebsites
  • Monitoring Websites and WebJobs
  • TrafficManager
  • Lab: ImplementingWebsites
  • Loadbalancer


  • SIMPLE STORAGE SERVICE (S3)Creating and deletingbuckets
  • Adding objects tobuckets
  • Gettingobjects
  • Deletingobjects
  • Notifications
  • Uses of S3storage
  • Hosting a StaticWebsite
  • Cross-Origin ResourceSharing
  • Cross-regionreplication

Module 5: Static Website hosting using S3 Bucket

  • WebPage
  • Javascript Dynamic Implementation
  • Sublime Editor
  • Html and css replication.

Module 6: Databases

  • DBInstances
  • Selecting theDB-Engine
  • Configuring the DatabaseServer
  • Creating yourDatabase
  • Setting up automatic backups, snapshots &restores

Module 7: Implementation AWS Cloud Solutions

  • Authorizing access to the DB with RDS SecurityGroups
  • DB InstanceReplication
  • Security: Using IAM to Manage Access to Amazon RDSResources
  • Managing MySql Databaseserver

Module 8: Projects:

AWS OpenStack Cloud

  • AWS Infrastructure: Compute, Storage, and Networkingimplementation
  • AWS Security, Identify, and Access Managementimplementation
  • AWSDatabase
  • AWS ManagementTools

Architecting on AWS

  • CoreAWS
  • Core AWSServices
  • Designing yourEnvironment
  • Making Your Environment Highly Available


Architecting on AWS P-1

  • Forklifting an Existing Application ontoAWS
  • Event-Driven Scaling
  • Automating
  • Decoupling
  • Build a new environment

Architecting on AWS P-2

  • The Well-ArchitectedFramework
  • Troubleshooting Your Environment
  • Large-Scale Design Patterns and CaseStudies

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