HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript

Introduction to Web Designing

  • An introduction to HTML and CSS
  • Tools for web development

Coding, Testing, and Validating a Web Page

  • The HTML syntax
  • The CSS syntax
  • How to test, debug, and validate HTML and CSS files

How to use HTML to Structure a Web Page

  • The head section
  • Text elements
  • Structuring the content of a page
  • Links, lists, and images
  • Structured web pages

Using CSS To Format the Elements of a Web Page

  •  An introduction to CSS
  • Measurements and colors
  • Selectors
  • Cascading Style Sheets
  • How to work with text A web page that uses external style sheets

How to Use the CSS Box Model for Spacing, Borders, and

  • An introduction to the box model
  • How to size and space elements
  • A web page that illustrates sizing and spacing
  • Borders and backgrounds
  • A web page that uses borders and backgrounds

How to Use CSS For Page Layout

  • Floating elements in 2- and 3-column layouts
  • Two web pages that use a 2-column, fixed-width layout
  • Using CSS3 to create text columns
  • Positioning elements

Lists and Links

  • Coding lists
  • Formatting lists
  • Working with links
  • Navigation menus

Responsive Web Design

  • Introduction to Responsive Web Design
  • Fluid design
  • CSS3 media queries
  • A web page that uses Responsive Web Design


  • Basic skills for working with images
  • Advanced skills for working with images
  • Related skills for working with images


  • Basic HTML skills for coding tables
  • Basic CSS skills for formatting tables
  • Other skills for working with tables


  • How to use forms and controls
  • Other skills for working with forms
  • How to use the HTML5 features for data validation
  • How to use the HTML5 controls
  • A web page that uses HTML5 data validation

Audio and Video

  • An introduction to media on the web
  • How to add audio and video to a web page
  • A web page that offers both audio and video

Fonts and Printing

  • How to embed fonts in a web page
  • The skills for formatting printed web pages
  • A two-column web page with print formatting

CSS3 Transitions, Transforms, Animations, and Filters
HTML5 & CSS3 Conclusion
Developing Interactive Web Pages (JavaScript)

Introduction to JavaScript

  • Getting Started with JavaScript
  • Client-Side and Server Side Application
  • Java Script In a Browser
  • JavaScript on a Web Server
  • Comparing JavaScript with other Scripting
  • Specifying JavaScript Version
  • Integrating JavaScript Version
  • Adding Comments
  • Hiding Script Using Comments Tags
  • <NOSCRIPT> and </NOSCRIPT> tags
  • The <SCRIPT>tag’s “SRC” Attributes
  • Using JavaScript Entitles
  • Variables
  • Type Casting
  • Conversion Functions

Programming Constructs and Functions

  • Arrays
  • Operators
  • JavaScript Statements
  • Functions
  • Events
  • Event Handlers in JavaScript
  • Link Events
  • Body Events
  • Image Events
  • Events Associated with other HTML Elements

Event Handling and JavaScript Object

  • Object Model
  • Browser Object
  • The Window Object
  • The Document Object
  • The History Object
  • The Navigator Object
  • The location Object
  • Discuss various JavaScript Predefined Objects
  • Create an Array Object and apply its method
  • Create a String Object and apply its method
  • Create a Date Object and apply its method

Predefined JavaScript Objects

  • Create a Boolean Object and apply its method
  • Create a Function Object and apply its method
  • Use the Math and Global Objects
  • Create a user-defined object and add properties methods to the object
  • The Image Object
  • Handle exceptions
  • Form object elements.
  • The List properties and methods
  • The form array of the document object
  • The element array of form object

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