ASP.Net With MVC

Module 1: Exploring Core ASP.NET MVC 5

  • Overview of Microsoft Web Technologies
  • Overview of ASP.NET
  • Introduction to ASP.NET MVC 5
  • Exploring a Photo Sharing Application
  • Exploring a Web Pages Application
  • Exploring a Web Forms Application
  • Exploring an MVC Application

Module 2: Designing ASP.NET Core MVC 5 Web Applications

  • Planning in the Project Design Phase
  • Designing Models, Controllers, and Views
  • Planning Model Classes
  • Planning Controllers
  • Planning Views
  • Architecting an MVC Web Application

Module 3: Developing Core ASP.NET MVC 5 Models

  • Creating MVC Models
  • Working with Data
  • Creating an MVC Project and Adding a Model
  • Adding Properties to MVC Models
  • Using Data Annotations in MVC Models

Module 4: Developing ASP.NET Core MVC 5 Controllers

  • Writing Controllers and Actions
  • Writing Action Filters
  • Adding an MVC Controller and Writing the Actions

Module 5: Developing ASP.NET Core MVC 5 Views

  • Creating Views with Razor Syntax
  • Using HTML Helpers
  • Re-using Code in Views
  • Adding a View for Photo Display
  • Adding a View for New Photos
  • Creating and Using a Partial View
  • Adding a Home View and Testing the Views

Module 6: Testing and Debugging ASP.NET Core MVC 5 Web Applications

  • Unit Testing MVC Components
  • Implementing an Exception Handling Strategy
  • Performing Unit Tests
  • Optional – Configuring Exception Handling
  • Analyzing Information Architecture
  • Configuring Routes
  • Creating a Navigation Structure
  • Using the Routing Engine

Module 7: Applying Styles to ASP.NET Core MVC 5 Web Applications

  • Using Layouts
  • Applying CSS Styles to an MVC Application
  • Creating an Adaptive User Interface
  • Creating and Applying Layouts
  • Applying Styles to an MVC Web Application

Module 8: Building Responsive Pages in ASP.NET MVC 5 Web Applications

  • Using AJAX and Partial Page Updates
  • Implementing a Caching Strategy
  • Using Partial Page Updates

Module 9: Using JavaScript and jQuery for Responsive MVC 5 Web Applications

  • Rendering and Executing JavaScript Code
  • Using jQuery and jQuery
  • Creating and Animating the Slideshow View
  • Optional—Adding a jQuery-UI Progress Bar Widget

Module 10: Controlling Access to ASP.NET MVC 5 Web Applications

  • Implementing Authentication and Authorization
  • Assigning Roles and Membership
  • Configuring Authentication and Membership Providers
  • Building the Logon and Register Views
  • Authorizing Access to Resources

Module 11: Building a Resilient ASP.NET MVC 5 Web Application

  • Developing Secure Sites
  • State Management
  • Creating Favorites Controller Actions
  • Implementing Favorites in Views

Module 12: Implementing Web APIs in ASP.NET MVC 5 Web Applications

  • Developing a Web API
  • Calling a Web API from Mobile and Web Applications
  • Adding a Web API to the Photo Sharing Application
  • Using the Web API for a Bing Maps Display

Module 13: Handling Requests in ASP.NET MVC 5 Web Applications

  • Using HTTP Modules and HTTP Handler
  • Creating a Photo Chat View

Module 14: Adding Bootstrap/jQuery in ASP.NET MVC 5 Web Applications

  • Deploying a Web Application in Bootstrap Studio.
  • Deploying an ASP.NET MVC 5 Web Application.
  • Adding Bootstrap Styles.
  • Adding Sidebars.
  • Adding Dropdown.
  • Adding List.
  • Adding Navbar.
  • Adding jQuery plug in ASP.NET MVC 5 Web Applications

Using Basic Functions in MySQL

  • Use GROUP BY and HAVING clause in MySQL queries
  • Use the Mathematical functions
  • Use the date functions
  • Use String information function
  • Use the system information functions

Controlling and Managing MySQL database

  • Create User Account
  • Allocate appropriate privileges to users
  • Alter privileges
  • Using GRANT command to assign privileges to user
  • Using REVOKE command to alter privileges granted to users

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