

MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database used for high-volume data storage. It contains the data model, which allows you to represent hierarchical relationships. It uses JSON-like documents with optional schema instead of using tables and rows in traditional relational databases. Documents containing key-value pairs are the basic units of data in MongoDB.


Install MongoDB:-

  • Install MongoDB on Windows — Download & Install MongoDB on Windows

MongoDB Database:-

  • MongoDB Create Database — How to Create Database & Collection in


  • Add MongoDB Array using insert() — Learn With Example
  • MongoDB Primary Key — Example to set _id field with ObjectId()

MongoDB Query Example:-

  • MongoDB Query Document — using find() method with Examples
  • MongoDB Cursor Tutorial — Learn with EXAMPLE
  • MongoDB Sort() & Limit() — MongoDB order with Sort() & Limit() Query
  • MongoDB Count() & Remove() Functions — Learn With Example
  • MongoDB Update() Document — Learn With Example

MongoDB Administration:-

  • MongoDB Backup Methods — MongoDB Security, Monitoring & Backup (Mongodump)
  • Manage Users and Roles — How to Create User & add Role in MongoDB
  • MongoDB Replica Set Tutorial — Step by Step Replication Example
  • MongoDB Sharding — Step by Step with Example
  • MongoDB Indexing Tutorial — createIndex(), dropindex() Example
  • MongoDB Regular Expression — Use a Regular Expression $Regex in MongoDB
  • MongoDB vs. Py-Mongo Framework and Analysis. — Overview.

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