Cinema 4D R16 (c4D)

dial, gears, moon clock-1821569.jpg

Learning Outcomes

By successfully completing the course the participant will be able to do:

  • Apply technology and methods of expressions within digital Motion graphics and post production
  • Apply techniques within digital motion graphics and post production – Animation, 3D-graphics
  • Apply dramaturgical narrative techniques to digital interactive visual design
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the communicative capacity of motion graphics

 Cinema 4D

  • The Cinema 4D workflow
  • Differences between 2D and 3D
  • Navigating the viewports
  • Navigating using a three-button mouse and keyboard shortcuts
  • Exploring the interface
  • Configuring project settings
  • Application preferences

Creating and Understanding Objects

  • Exploring object hierarchy
  • Creating, selecting, and transforming objects
  • Object categories – active and passive objects
  • Comparing object types
  • The Attribute Manager
  • Creating a basic model with primitive and null objects

Working with Splines

  • Creating and working with splines
  • Selecting and transforming points on a spline
  • Nurb types
  • Manipulating paths from Adobe Illustrator

Modeling Tools

  • Points, edges, and polygons
  • Modeling with the Knife tool
  • Modeling with the Extrude tool
  • Modeling with the Extrude Inner tool
  • The Create Polygon and Bridge tools
  • Creating a HyperNURBS object
  • Creating a simple model

Using Deformers

  • Working with deformers
  • The Wind Deformer
  • The Wrap Deformer
  • The Spline Wrap

Materials and Texturing

  • Understanding material channels
  • Applying materials: Projection methods
  • Reflective surfaces / shiny surfaces
  • Rough surfaces / bumpy surfaces
  • Transparent surfaces
  • Using alpha channels to create a label
  • Texturing type using multiple materials

Working With Lights

  • Understanding how lights work in the 3D world
  • Adjusting falloff to limit how light affects objects
  • Understanding light types
  • Creating and manipulating shadows
  • Creating light rays with visible light
  • Creating a simple three-point light setup

Keyframes and Animation

  • Understanding keyframe animation
  • Animating in the Timeline
  • The F-Curve Manager
  • Create an animated pause

Camera Movement and Control

  • Differences between the Editor Camera and a camera object
  • Exploring field of view and aspect ratio
  • Explaining parallax in camera movement
  • Creating a dynamic camera movement
  • Refining and previewing a camera movement

Output and rendering

  • The render engine
  • Render settings
  • Rendering still images vs. animation
  • Setting up multi-pass rendering for still images
  • Batch-rendering multiple files

Compositing in After Effects

  • The 3D animation workflow
  • Setting up a multi-pass render
  • Importing elements into After Effects
  • Manipulating 3D renders in After Effects
  • Fine-tuning a composition in After Effects

Introduction to MoGraph

  • Explaining MoGraph
  • Using the Cloner object
  • Modifying cloners with Effector objects
  • Creating animation with the Fracture object
  • Creating abstract shapes with the MoSpline object
  • Using the Tracer object to create paths
  • Creating realistic movement with MoDynamics

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