Executive Secretary & Office Administration

Course Outcomes

  • Developing personal management skills; setting objectives; prioritizing tasks;
  • understanding time management; delegating successfully; problem solving.
  • Organizing effective systems; travel; informal and formal meetings; minutes taking.
  • Effective communication; learning how to be assertive and stay in control; the
    telephone; dealing with difficult people; developing a personal action plan.
  • Managing your boss successfully; making relationships work; developing your network; communication and the importance of feedback.
  • Dealing with conflict, anger and criticism in a cool manner, while projecting an image of self confidence and professionalism.
  • Successful two way communication, how listening skills and body language can affect a situation.

Secretarial Skills

  • The role of the Executive Secretary/PA
  • Time management
  • Assertiveness training
  • How to say “no” without becoming intimidating or aggressive
  • Dealing with conflict
  • Negotiating solutions
  • Communication skills
  • Body language
  • Positive thinking
  • Listening skills
  • Dealing with difficult people and difficult situations
  • Working for more than one person
  • Technology in office
  • Confidentiality
  • Telecommunications-Effective telephone behavior
  • Processing the mail
  • Diary management
  • Travel
  • Meeting and conventions
  • Management of records
  • Tips of the trade

Organization skills

  • Organizational chart
  • The office
  • Physical environment
  • Safety
  • File security/filing systems
  • Cleanliness
  • Office furniture
  • Purchases and payments
  • Office supplies and equipment
  • Company storeroom
  • Inventory
  • Repairs
  • Machinery
  • Banking
  • Team work
  • Time management

Business correspondence

  • The art of good letter writing
  • Clearly defining objectives
  • terminology
  • Being concise, accurate and grammatically correct
  • Correct use of sentences and paragraphs
  • Logical formats to include positive openings to effective endings
  • Dictation techniques
  • Writing reports and memos
  • Sales letters and proposals
  • Orders and acknowledgements
  • Follow-up and revivers
  • Invoices and credit settlements
  • Different formats of quotations
  • Letter of application Credit collection letters
  • Complaint handling letters
  • Responding to, and sending letters of complaint
  • Creating circulars
  • Common letters
  • How to check, edit and proof read your own material

Personality development

  • Assessing and understanding one own personality
  • Understanding fellow workers and developing a good interpersonal relationship
  • Dealing with difficult people and difficult situations
  • Confidentiality
  • How to project an image of self-confidence and professionalism
  • Self development for the future

Creating Organizational charts and Diagrams

Slide Transitions

  • Adding Transitions and Animation
  • Set Slide Timings
  • Customizing
  • Drawings on Slides

Custom Animations

  • Applying different Effect to Objects like Text and Clip Arts etc.
  • Managing sequence of animation

Technical skills

  • Microsoft word
  • Microsoft excel
  • Microsoft power point
  • Microsoft out look

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