Django is a Python-based free and open-source web framework, which follows the model-view-template architectural pattern. Django’s primary goal is to ease the creation of complex, database-driven websites. It takes care of much of the hassle of Web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel.
Overview: On completing this course, you can work as a web developer using Django. The participant will be able to develop full-fledged real life web applications.
Job options include Backend Developer, Python and Django Developer, Software Engineer,
Python Software Engineer and more…
Module 1: Introduction to WEB Framework
- Overview of python
- Environment set up for Django
- Basic syntax
- Commands
Module 2: HTML Touch
- Creation of
- Html Tags
- Button class.
- Hyperlinked Button
- Iframe object.
- List control in Html
- Font styling and font-face
Module 3: Functions and Modules in django
- Defining functions.
- Passing arguments to function.
- Introduction to modules.
- Importing Modules.
- Built In Modules.
- Object and class Concept in Model.
- Concept of Constructor.
- Instance of object.
- Types of inheritance
- Method overriding in Python
Module 5: Introduction to Django
- Introduction to Django Framework
- Installation process
- Features of Django
- Django project
- Virtual environment
Module 6: Django MVT Applications
- Admin interface
- Django App Life cycle
- Django MVT (Model , view , template)
- URL Mapping
- Template System
- Static File Handling
- Handling HTML,CSS,JS
Module 7: DJango App with HTML
- Html Forms
- Html Tags
- Html Elements
- Implementation with Django
Module 8: DJango App with Css
- What is css
- Syntax
- Declaring Multiple Css
- Html Css integration
- Implementation with Django
Module 9: Database handling
- Introduction to RDBMS
- SQL queries and connections
- Connect python using SqlLite
- Insert, select operation in python
- Delete and update operation in python
Module 10: DJango App with js
- Introduction
- Syntax of <script>
- Embedding with Html
- Method
- Implementation with Django
Module 11: Django Models & Forms
- Models Form
- Django Form
- Form Validation
- File Upload
Module 12: Data Handling
- Database Connectivity
- Database Migration
- Django Middleware
- Request and response
- Django CRUD Operation
Module 13: Exception and State Management
- Django Exception
- Django Session
- Django Cookies
Module 14: Django PDF, CSV Generation
- Django CSV output
- Django PDF output
- Dynamic CSV
- Dynamic PDF
Module 15: User Authentication in Django
- Creating User Registration modules
- Login/Logout application
- Online Food Ordering Portal
- Product Ordering CRM
- Travel App
- Criminal App
- Hotel Booking Website
- Education App
- E-commerce Portal
- Online Stock Management Portal
- Online Portfolio App
- Blogger Site…and many more