What is R ? Why R?
- Installation
- R Studio Installation
- R Studio Interface
- First R Program
Basic Mathematical Operations
- Variables
- Basic Data Types
- Variable assignment
- Comments
- Relational Operators
- Logical Operators
- Sequences
- Replicate Function
Control Structures
- If, if-else, else if
- Ifelse() function
- For loops
- While loops
- Repeat loops
- break next statements
- Inline Functions
- Function Returning Multiple Values
- Function Return Value
- R Recursive Function
- User Defined Functions
R Object & Class
- Object and Class
- R Inheritance
R Data Structure
- R Vectors
- R Matrix
- R List
- R Data Frame
- R Factor
Vectorized Operations in R Program
- Vector Indexing
- Matching Operator
- Vector Arithmetic
- Vector Methods
- Vector Coercion
- Logical vector
- Mathematical Functions in R
- Random Numbers in R
Sub Setting R Objects Matrix
- Matrix diag()
- Matrix Naming Rows & Columns
- Matrix indexing
- Matrix rbind() & cbind() Functions
- Matrix operations
- Matrix Specific Functions
- Lists Indexing
- Lists Subset Operator
- Lists Concatenation
Data Frames
- Creating Data frames
- Data frame indexing
- Dataframes subset() function
- Dataframes rbind() & cbind()
- Dataframes edit() function
Getting Data In and Out of R
- Dataframes Importing Data from Text Files
- Dataframes Importing Data from CSV Files
- Dataframes Importing Data from RDS Files
- Dataframes Importing Data from Internet
- Dataframes Importing Data from Clipboard
- Dataframes Exporting Data to CSV Files
Managing Data Frame with the dplyr Package
- dplyr select() function
- dplyr filter() function
- dplyr arrange() function
- dplyr rename() function
- dplyr mutate() function
- dplyr group_by() function
- dplyr Pipe Operator
R Programming Plot Functions
- Bar Graphs
- Horizontal Bar Graphs
- Stacked Bar Plots
- Histogram
- Scatter Plots
- Line Graphs
- Box Plots
- Multiple Plots in Layout
*Course topics and duration may be modified by the instructor based upon the knowledge and skill level of the course participants.