This course will provide an introduction to the C programming language and its usage. After attending this course a student will have acquired the basic skills in programming in C. This course is ideal for the student who wants a good general introduction to computer programming.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the participant will
- Understand .NET Framework and describe some of the major enhancements to the new version of Visual Basic.
- Describe the basic structure of a Visual Basic.NET project and use main features of the integrated development environment (IDE)
- Create applications using Microsoft Windows® Forms
- Create applications that use ADO. NET
- Working with XML Documents
- Using Crystal Reports
Introduction to Visual Basic Programming
The Visual Basic Language Essentials
- Data Types
- Control Statements
Procedures, Functions and Event Handlers
- Exceptions and Validations
- Arrays and Collections
- Windows Forms, and Controls
Dialogs Boxes
Object Oriented Programming
- Creating and Using Classes
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Overloading, Overriding
- Interfaces and Namespaces
Database Programming
- Data Sources
- Using ADO.Net
- Dataset, Data Reader, Data Grids